Stretching For Office Workers Part 2: Full Body

8 in 10 workers are more than likely to be desk jockeys

Research has recently shown that 8 in 10 workers are more than likely to be desk jockeys, sitting in one position for hours, without any legitimate positive movement. As such, it is a common complaint that their neck, back and hips hurt. Some people chalk this up to a fact of life for office workers. It really doesn’t have to be a way of life, as long as you set aside time throughout your day to stop, stretch and relieve some of the tension that is building up in your body. All it takes is a quick 5-10 minutes 4-5 times a day and you will be well on your way to easing the restrictions in your body. Set a timer to go off every hour, take a break from your computer, rest your eyes and stretch out the stress! Let’s start with some simple, easy stretches you can do to take a break from your desk.

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I am going to show you a few stretches to help with tightness in your body and to bring a little bit of relief.


Stretching can increase range of motion, improve your posture and greatly reduce the stress that can build up. Research has also recently shown that periodic breaks combined with stretching can reduce aches and pains by up to 70%! A quick stretch every hour is all it takes to keep you on the road to comfort and ease within your day.

Thank you for joining me today, and keep accessing Body and Soul online as we will continue to stretch and alleviate any problems caused by sitting for too long. I look forward to helping you gain more freedom in your movement.

Rhonda Koerner

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The Complete Series

This series demonstrates how to reduce the pain associated with sitting at a desk for long periods of time. Get loose and stretch out all your kinks with quick daily stretches targeting your neck, shoulders, lower back and hips. 10 minutes is all it takes to start eliminating stress and aches!

This series demonstrates how to reduce the pain associated with sitting at a desk for long periods of time. Get loose and stretch out all your kinks with quick daily stretches targeting your neck, shoulders, lower back and hips. 10 minutes is all it takes to start eliminating stress and aches!

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