Osteoporosis Series Part 5: Conclusion + Final Thoughts

You’ve made it to the end of our workshop on Osteoporosis, well done!

To summarize, regular visits to your healthcare providers such as your family doctor and dentist, will greatly increase the identity and prevention of osteoporosis symptoms listed in the earlier videos.

For adults, participate in regular, low impact strength training and full body exercises to optimize bone strength and overall health. You want to continually challenge your muscles, while also stimulate bone growth. For a personalized exercise program, reach out to us at Body + Soul Fitness and one of our trainers can develop a program for your needs.

Along with regular exercise, eating a consistent, healthy diet with loads of fruits, vegetables and protein can also greatly reduce and help your changes of preventing osteoporosis.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and if you have questions about any of the information in this series, or would like to learn more about steps to making fitness a regular routine in your day-to-day life, please feel free to reach out!

I encourage you to watch some of our other videos on how to lead a happier, healthier, and more active life.

I hope to see you there.

Chris Edwards

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The Complete Series

Introduction to osteoporosis, what it is, causes and symptoms, who's at risk and healthy living tips to prevent the onset of this disease. Throughout the workshop, Chris will provide various tips and tricks to keep your bones strong and healthy!

Now that you understand what osteoporosis is, and the early warning signs, it’s important to know who exactly is at risk. Join Chris as he explores some of the unchangeable and changeable risk factors for developing osteoporosis.

Having a regular exercise routine can greatly reduce your chances of developing osteoporosis. Chris discusses why this is, and suggests workouts and exercises to include in your routine to improve bone mass and strength.

The food you eat can have a direct impact on your bones. Chris navigates which food sources, nutrients and vitamins you should include in your diet to build and maintain strong bone density, and for your overall health.

In this final part in the osteoporosis series, Chris summarizes a few final tips to keep in mind to ensure your bones remain strong and healthy.

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