Fascial Fitness: A Guide to Better Mobility Part 1


If I were to ask you what healthy living means to you, you may say that it includes daily exercise, drinking plenty of water per day, clean natural foods, 7-8 hours of sleep a night and hopefully, stress-free days. But what if I told you that you were missing a key factor to a healthy body? Something so essential that it has become a huge topic of research in the areas of sports science, physiotherapy and medicine. This amazing component is… stretching. Specifically stretching your fascia and connective tissue network. More importantly,it has been discovered that if you stretch it and work it everyday, it can become the biggest change in your body shape, provide you huge gains toward your fitness goals and provide you a pain-free life.

What is Fascia

Fascia is a spider web-like network that is found throughout your body. It is made up of collegian, protein and water. It surrounds every cell, joint, bone, ligament and every organ . It is also known as connective tissue and it is the structure that keeps us standing up. Without Fascia connecting everything together in our bodies, you would collapse into a pile of bones.

Why is it Important

So why is fascia important and why at Body and Soul do we believe that stretching needs to be incorporated into your routine? Your fascial network is the largest network in your body, even larger than your nervous system. It communicates with your nervous system and it is even 3 times faster. A system so large can only cause issues if it is not properly maintained. Maintenance of your fascial connective tissue network is simply done by stretching and more specifically, gentle pain-free stretching.

Why is Stretching Important

Fascia likes movement. The more you stretch it, the better it performs. Because it is made up of 70% water, stretching will stimulate it and flush out any toxins or stale water that may be present in your connective tissue. The fresher the water, the more supple and easier it will move. Lack of movement causes the connective tissue to start to stiffen and the end results are aches, pains and stiff joints. Think of it this way, have you ever broken your arm or known anyone who has? Their arm is not moving for weeks and what happens is that the fascia gets really tight and rigid. The cast comes off and that arm is quite wooden. Moving it can be painful. What is the first thing the physiotherapist gets you to do? Move it and to stretch it to work out the pains and to get water pushed into the tissue.

What Benefits Can be Achieved by Stretching

Tight fascia can also impede any gains that you may be trying to achieve at the gym. If the fascia surrounding your muscles is super tight, how can your muscles perform at full capacity?

Stretching will keep your connective tissue loose and springy. It will help to eliminate aches from sitting too much and promotes pain-free daily living. It improves mobility regardless of your age. It can protect you from injury by making you more flexible and agile. It is also key to increased gains in your muscles.

Stretching and fascial stretching have shown such incredible benefits that most professional sports teams and athletes have incorporated daily stretching routines dedicated to this amazing network

How can I take care of my Fascia

Taking care of your fascial connective tissue network is really easy. Keep hydrated, eat good quality protein, don’t smoke and take Vitamin C to help rebuild the collagen. But critical to all that is stretching. Gentle stretching is fundamental and vital to an overall healthy life. 10 – 30 minutes a day is all that is needed to bring freedom of movement back to your life.

Thank-you for joining us and I look forward to guiding you on your journey to fascial fitness, to gaining flexibility and to help get rid of any aches and pains you may be experiencing. Keep accessing Body and Soul online for the next video in our ongoing series dedicated to stretching and all its amazing benefits!

Rhonda Koerner

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The Complete Series

Fascia, the highly responsive, pain eliminating wonderkid of your body, that you probably didn't know you had in you. The importance of fascia in pain-free, stress-free living, has exploded onto the research scene. Learn how the most important and largest system in your body can be trained to eliminate pain and provide gains in all aspects of your life.

An introduction to fascial fitness and why the benefits of stretching can be the most meaningful habit you could ever make. A demonstration of 4 easy stretches to start you down the path of a life with less aches and pains and more freedom in movement.

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